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COVID-19 Applications for Digital Signage in Crowd Control and More

There’s a direct relationship between real-time information and stress. Certain environments, such as a crowd of people, amplify stress. Information helps de-stress people, set clear expectations, and provide alerts about new policies and procedures, among other tasks.

The more informed people are regarding a situation, the more at ease they’re likely to feel – particularly in an era where many sectors of our society are more stress-inducing than ever before.

That’s why, in the age of COVID-19, digital signage has a multitude of applications that can drive powerful efficiencies, deliver key peace of mind, and more.

From crowd control to interactive screens, touchless solutions, wayfinding and information about wait times, and more, digital signage is poised to carve out a critical space in the way our businesses, schools and healthcare facilities operate.

Let’s explore the COVID-19-era applications for digital signage – and those just around the corner – in more detail.

The Immediate Benefits of Digital Signage in the Age of COVID-19

As the world continues to march back to normal – perhaps even a “better” and safer normal than pre-pandemic – digital signage has a variety of roles to play.

  • Crowd Control

    When used in conjunction with IoT devices and sensors, digital signage can help track people entering and leaving a space and help ensure capacity limits aren’t breached. Further, when connected with door locks, swing gates and more, signage can automate the control of crowds even more, taking pressure off both customers and staff.
  • Emergency Messaging & Situation Management

    Critical health updates and other real-time information can be disseminated by digital signage, such as digital billboards or screens, and directly tied to information sources that trigger on-screen updates and important alerts.
  • Wait Time Updates and Virtual Queuing

    Wait times need to be managed across a variety of industries, from grocery to healthcare and beyond. The more informed customers or patients are, the more willing they are to wait – even a five-minute wait can seem like a lifetime to an uninformed customer. Setting expectations with digital signage avoids this frustration, and empowering further education with IoT devices and cameras, as well as leveraging virtual queues to let customers wait from anywhere, goes a long way.
  • Room Signage and Desk Hoteling

    Using digital signage to let people know who is in a shared space before entering can promote appropriate distancing, and automating the flow of information with digital screens and calendars can be extremely beneficial, as well. It’s all about organizations’ ability to track and log key information, then leverage it to create safer environments.
  • Access Control

    In the same way, digital signage can integrate with security and access control systems to monitor specific, high-traffic areas and control who has access via simple integrations and alerts.

The Nearly Limitless Future of Digital Signage Applications

Though many were born or thrust into the spotlight during the COVID-19 era, many applications of digital signage are set to revolutionize the way we do business and interact with one another forever.

  • Outdoor Signage

    Consumers are now used to outdoor events, grab-and-go and pickup processes, and more, and outdoor signage can help facilitate continued growth in these services by getting the message out quickly and empowering easy wayfinding.
  • Entertainment

    While customers or patients wait in line, digital signage can continue to be integrated with cutting-edge technology and interaction to provide entertainment, real-time news and weather updates, specials and inventory levels, and much more.
  • Virtual “Receptionist”

    Digital signage can eliminate the need for someone to always be present at the entry to a space, enabling people to reach who they need to through a simple interface. Other sensor integrations and QR codes can make the experience even more contactless.
  • Powerful Advertising

    While many organizations will have implemented digital signage to share health tips, procedures and processes, informational resources, and much more, information that can be updated automatically or as conditions change, those same screens can also be used to engage in interactive, tailored advertising.

As organizations adjust to a new normal, digital signage provides a powerful tool to utilize not only to inform and keep people safe, but also for a multitude of other applications.

graphic with summary of covid applications including crowd control