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Thoughts on transforming organizations with digital communications

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Foodservice operations need digital solutions, both short and long-term, that deliver results and efficiency. The industry was one of the world’s hardest hit in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, with supply chain logistics, an emphasis on delivery, safety regulations and more, disrupting normal operations.

However, there is a path forward.

Digital communications have a critical role to play in both short-term success during the global reopening period and in the future of foodservice operations, which will likely be permanently reshaped by the pandemic’s lingering effects.

Digital Communications’ Immediate Role in the ‘New Normal’ For Foodservice Establishments

As the world has seen in the healthcare industry and elsewhere, digital communications are stepping up to fulfill a need in terms of communication with the occupants of a given space, whether they be employees, patients, visitors or, in the case of foodservice, diners.

Digital communications, including cutting-edge digital signage solutions, can:

  • Provide Information in Real Time about Health and Safety Protocols

    When diners return to in-person dining at foodservice establishments, they need to be properly informed about what health and safety protocols are in place. This includes protocols they’ll need to follow, themselves, such as wearing a mask and social distancing, and protocols being put in place by the establishment for their safety. Digital signage can provide key peace of mind by displaying information about these protocols.
  • Bring Foodservice Operations into the Touchless Future

    Touchless is quickly becoming the “new normal” and it’s likely to continue making its presence felt well beyond the confines of pandemic precautions. The way customers view touchscreens and more might be forever altered, and digital signage can provide them with the same experience they’re accustomed to in a safe and innovative way.
  • Promote Efficient Service

    Using digital signage to make diners aware of health and safety protocols and other key information, will provide the overall operation of foodservice establishments with a boost in efficiency and understanding. Employees will be empowered to better serve customers without being bogged down in repetitive tasks or by a need to inform individual customers.

How Digital Communications Are Set to Permanently Boost Customer Engagement

Beyond the immediate benefits of digital communications in adapting to and thriving in the post-pandemic “new normal,” these solutions will set operations up for continued success by promoting a new level of customer engagement.

Digital communications solutions have a number of beneficial applications in this area, including:

  • Enticing Menu Boards

    The same boards that can be used to provide information to guests can be leveraged to create exciting, engaging menu boards that can be changed at the press of a button to keep up with an evolving offering and the latest trends. Items can be adapted to the time of day or by location, guests are more likely to perceive wait times as being shorter when engaged with an attractive menu board, and these digital solutions can connect to backend systems for inventory, etc. to accurately represent what’s available and provide real-time insight.
  • A Holistic Promotions Approach

    A digital signage solution, such as a menu board, simple display or kiosk, can be leveraged to highlight social media content, run engaging ads, and more. This promotion of your brand, alongside daily specials, up-selling opportunities and more will bring a noticeable impact to your overall promotions and marketing efforts.
  • Customer Interaction

    You can craft an engaging experience that elevates dining, allowing customers to use interactive kiosks, participate in on-screen contests, and more. It’s all about making the customer feel immersed in the dining experience, which leads to greater revenue and return visits.

Visual digital communications can help reduce operational and labor costs, particularly by cutting down on paper menu creation and employee work outside core duties. They also help operations meet regulatory requirements by displaying key information, increase sales via digital promotion, and boost overall communication with both customers and employees.

Digital menu boards, interactive kiosks, tablets and more are all ready to elevate your foodservice operation, and Omnivex can help you find the perfect solution for your unique needs and vision.

To learn more, visit https://www.omnivex.com/solutions/industries/food-service.


Omnivex foodservice blog digital summary