Our Blog

Thoughts on transforming organizations with digital communications

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Throughout 2020, it’s become more important than ever before to have access to accurate information in a timely manner. With our society making rapid fire adjustments regarding how we work, socialize, and live, we’ve all come to rely on real-time, relevant information from trusted resources to guide us. Like many industries, the transportation industry is rapidly evolving to suit our needs and to take advantage of the latest technological advances. Digital signage is one such advancement that is elevating the transportation industry.

Public and Mass Transit Benefits

Whether you like to travel by car, bus, train, or plane, you may encounter digital signage on your journey. Public transportation in particular can benefit greatly from digital signage. Kiosks are a good example of how digital signage can make the travel experience less stressful and better managed. Digital kiosks are a fast, easy, and cost-effective way to purchase tickets, check-in, update schedules and itineraries, as well as access maps and wayfinding in public transportation settings. Alerts about delays, schedules, and other important updates need to be available in real time to travelers. Especially in mass transit arenas like train stations and airports where there can be a lot of travelers and service providers that need to be on the same page.

In situations revolving around public and mass transit, digital signage can assist in the following ways:

  • Clarify wait times
  • Improve travel experience by cutting down confusion
  • Update passengers on breaking news, weather, and emergency broadcasts
  • Offer real-time info about arrival and departure times, cancellations, delays, and service stoppage
  • Streamline operations for staff, reducing workload and costs
  • Keep passengers safe via emergency notifications
  • Provide directions to guide travelers through large spaces like airports
  • Send out security warnings

Making Smart Transportation Smarter

Both service providers and passengers benefit from smart transportation. Modern technologies and management strategies in transportation systems can get a boost from digital signage for improving the traveling experience, staying organized, and managing crowds. Interactive kiosks, schedules and timetables, and wayfinding solutions are just a few examples of how digital signage can make traveling a better experience for all parties.


transportation blog summary